SK Fridays has been incredible recently, the numbers of footballers coming to enjoy and improve at their football has been an amazing sight. With the huge numbers, we do have a lot of headaches arise, naturally. There’s a few very important messages below.
A) Due to the huge numbers in attendance, Club Cheadle Hulme have had to move us to the opposite side of the pitch to accommodate parents spectating! This means that parents must stay outside of the facility, as there is ample viewing space. You MAY enter the pitches at the end of a session to depart with your son/daughter.
B) At the end of the session, players must not take to the opposite side of the pitch as it is in use.
C) Registration tonight will be INDOORS at the main reception at Club Cheadle Hulme. This is due to the weather (shock) and the sheer size of the task for Kate to undertake, being indoors is more suitable.
D) Please don’t forget to register, even if you don’t owe any subs. Signing in is imperative for our admin and we use the registers to gauge attendance when inviting players to special events!
E) Please try to avoid asking/speaking to coaches between sessions unless absolutely urgent – if you need to speak to them, do it as they have their next group started! Transitioning between groups has become to slow at times as a result of this and we don’t want players missing out on their football time. If it’s non-urgent, feel free to log it at registration
F) If you haven’t yet signed a registration form, please see the DOCUMENTS page to download & bring to the session. There will be some on site, but if everyone signs on site they’ll be queuing for a long time!
Thank you to everyone for your usual fantastic support!
From the SK Team.